22,222 km and other numbers

We couldn’t believe it when we looked on our odometer to check when we would pass the 22,222 km and recognized it was 11:11 on November, 11th. Isn’t it a nice occasion to look at other interesting numbers of our journey?

Walked 2,078,468 steps

Whoohoo, that are quite a few steps. And we always thought we are driving through Europe with our motorhome  😉

Pedras d'El Rei

Drove 22,222 km

We are on the road for 359 days. That means, on average, we drove 61.9km per day.

22.222 Kilometer

Loaded 8,528 liter fresh water

We already exchanged the first fresh water filter and the second one also already needed a new membrane.


Took 5,374 pictures

Finally, our big camera has a reason to exist. On top of that, we also use our smartphone cameras quite a lot. In total, our pictures need already 22.84 GB of disk space. During the last year, we really took a lot of great pictures like this one:

Coba da Roca

366 hours behind the wheel

We are driving at a low pace and we enjoy to travel on average with 61 km per hour.

Single Track Road

173 places to stay overnight

  • 59 camp sites
  • 45 camp grounds
  • 38 parking lots
  • 19 places anywhere in nature
  • 7 family/friends properties
  • 4 times next to a street


Published 170 blog articles

Well, that is only true for the German part of our blog, where we publishing not only articles on how we live in a motorhome but also take you with us on our journey.

Alltag im Wohnmobil

Used 13 coco fiber bricks

During the last year that we already live in our motorhome, we had to empty our composting toilet 12 times and refilled it with new coco fiber.

Lost 2 wheel caps

Nobody knows where they’ve gone. Suddenly, they disappeared. We are not too sorry about it, though. Well, to be honest, they are quite ugly.

Unboxing Room Tour unseres Wohnmobils - Bürstner Lyseo TD744

0 car breakdowns

We hope that it stays that way… let’s cross our fingers.

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